Bailieborough Veterinary Clinic
We love your pets as much as you do
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find a list of FAQs relating to your pet.
If you do not find the answer you are looking for please contact a member of our qaulified staff who will be happy to answer any questions.

What vaccination does my pet need?
Your pet should be protected against those diseases which are most common, highly contagious and which cause serious illness. Canine vaccinations cover a variety of diseases such as canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitus, canine parvovirus (Parvo), canine tracheobronchitis ( Kennel cough) and rabies. Feline vaccinations cover cat flu and feline leukemia
Vaccines contain small quantities of altered or "killed" viruses, bacteria or other disease-casuing bacteria - like the previously mentioned examples. When administered, they stimulate your pet's immune system to produce disease fighting cells and proteins - or antibodies - to protect against disease.
When your pet is very young (between 6 and 12 weeks) it is time to begin initial vaccinations. Initial vaccinations involve 2 injections 3-4 weeks apart. After the second vaccination, they will need to be repeated once a year to ensure full protection. It is important to follow this schedule as if there is too long an interval between the first vaccination and the booster, your pet may have to undergo the series all over again.
Spaying & Neutering

We strongly recommend that you get your pet spayed if it is female and castrated if it is male. As well as preventing unwanted offspring there are medical benefits, for example certain cancers are less likely to occur in older animals.
Spaying (female animals) removes the uterus and ovaries. In dogs it is recommended usually after 6 months of age. Preferably before their first season (heat), which usually occurs between the age of 6 to 9 months.
We advise that you spay your cat at 5-6 months old.
Spaying before a females first season has the following benefits:
Substantially reduces the chance of mammary tumours being developed (these are tumours in the mammary glands or nipple areas)
Eliminates the chance of pyometra infections. This is an infection in the womb of females, the uterus fills with pus and can often be fatal if it is not noticed in time.
No unwanted puppies!
No male dogs arriving at your doorstep to say hello to your bitch who is in heat! Therefore no fighting amongst themselves or with your other pets!
No blood spotting around your home (Yes, female dogs often bleed from the vagina just before they are coming into heat!)
Neutering (male animals) removes the testicles. In both cats and dogs it is recommended at 6 months of age (or until fully developed in the region).
Both procedures are carried out under general anaesthesia and recovery time normally is complete within 2 weeks.
If your pet is being neutered or spayed he or she will be admitted to the clinic in the morning and sent home the same evening.
If you wish to discuss having your pet spayed or neutered please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team.
Pet Insurance
Contact a member of our team to discuss the variety of Pet Insurance that is available out there.

A New Pet!
Where do I start?
Congratulations on your new pet! The following are some tips on how to care properly for the new addition to your family.
Your new pet should visit the vet as soon as possible. The first visit will include:
A thorough physical examination to determine his state of health
Treatment for internal parasites such as roundworm, tapeworm etc.
Consultation on a vaccination plan
Advice on nutrition, ear mites, dew claws and maintaining your pets healthy coat
Heart check up
Pet Insurance